Land Claiming Basics
To make a claim, all you have to do is right-click two opposite corners with any golden shovel!
To resize a claim, right-click a corner with your shovel, then right-click the new location for that corner.
To visualize claims, right-click a block with a stick.
To modify a claim, use /claimflags
and /claiminfo
To TP to a claim, use /claimlist
Player Trust in Claims
List permissions for current claim.
/trust <user/public> [trust type]
Give permissions to claim.
/untrust <user/all/public>
Revoke permissions to claim.
[trust type]
is optional and defaults to builder. Options include:
accessor grants access to buttons, pressure plates, doors, and beds.
container grants access to containers, crops, animals, levers, and all accessor permissions.
builder grants building/breaking permissions and all container permissions.
manager grants claim trust & flag editing permissions and all builder permissions.
Claim Types
By default, you will only control the claims x and z borders. Alternatively, you can control the height by enabling cuboid claim mode: /cuboid
By default, you will create basic claims. Alternatively, you can create subdivisions or towns by switching modes: /gd mode <basic/subdivide/town>
More Claim Commands
Escape from a claim.
/kickfromclaim <user>
Kick player from your claim.
/banfromclaim <user>
Ban player from your claim.
/banfromclaimall <user>
Ban all players from your claim.
List players banned from your claim.
/unbanfromclaim <user>
Unban player from your claim.
/claimflagdefinition minecraft:user player-enter false
/claimflagdefinition minecraft:user pvp false
/expandclaim # <direction>
Increase claim size.
/contractclaim # <direction>
Decrease claim size.
/buyclaimblocks #
Buy claim blocks.
/sellclaimblocks #
Sell claim blocks.
/transferclaimblocks <user> #
Give claim blocks.
Abandon claim your currently standing in.
Abandon all your claims.
Abandon a claim and all its subdivisions.
/help claims
Get claim help in game.
/gd help
Get more claim help in game.